An Eye for Detail

Remember how I said that my job is to read and write stories about all the amazing things that God is doing all over the world? Well, yeah, that's true, but that's not just it. The other part of my job is also to write and edit pieces that are less interesting, like someone else's speeches and sign-up forms.

But, regardless of whether I am writing the next bestseller or a one-line caption for a picture, there is still something to be learned in every project that is assigned to me. So, I am thankful for the learning opportunities that have been thrown my way. From the most mundane piece of writing to the most amazing story, I have learned so much that needs to be learned about the editorial world.

As I have not done any formal editing work before, everything seemed so foreign to me the first week I started work. I am not used to changing things that others have written, and I am not used to having my things altered by someone else either. I am also training to have an eye for detail: to take note of the littlest punctuation, to think and rethink the meaning of every word that's used.

Sometimes, I do need to get out of my comfort zone to get the work done, especially when I cannot write with my own style and my own voice. I have to learn to write in the voice of Wycliffe. Then, I have to submit my work to be critiqued and edited a thousand and one times.

This is really a humbling experience, but it has also reminded me that this is not just about me. Instead, it is about the bigger picture that God is painting. I have been here for almost a month now, and everyday I feel like God is putting me in His training camp for humility.

I can't wait to see the end product of this training. But before I get there, I know that I have to be malleable, so that I can be shaped by the potter into whatever shape He has in mind for me.



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