Last EnterMission

I am not sure if I have shared about EnterMission with you all. But anyway, EnterMission is Wycliffe's weekly chapel service. On Wednesday mornings from 9 to 10am in the morning, the entire office shuts down and everyone (or most people) gather together for a time of worship and sharing. Usually Wycliffe missionaries who have served abroad will share their testimonies. Today's EnterMission was run entirely by the Orlando Summer Interns. We did everything from door-greeting to worship-leading to sharing.

Kurt was the one in charge of organizing and putting together everything for this EnterMission. I was a door greeter and a mic runner for the guest introduction time. After worship, they also showed the video that we made, A Day in the Life of An Intern. Then for sharing, we each went up and shared for two minutes about what we've learned from through our OSI experience and also to appreciate those who have helped us along the way.

It was a good time for reflecting on our two and a half months here, and to realise just how many relationships we've built along the way. And also to understand that so many people have worked to make it possible for the 12 of us to be here this summer.

As Karen Snyder, Wycliffe's internship coordinator, closed with a word of prayer, some emotions were stirred up within the room.



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