Always seeing, but never perceiving

That was the theme of today's sharing during Entermission (Wycliffe's weekly Wednesday morning chapel). The speaker was sharing about how he was reminded that we see, not only with our eyes, but with our ears, nose, and skin. And sometimes, we also need to look beyond what our physical eyes see. When I do not understand the things that I see, maybe I need to look beyond the immediate present to see the bigger picture that God is painting.

This past weekend was the July 4 weekend. We went to Lake Eola on Sunday and stayed all evening to watch fireworks at night. It was a really long day, and I am glad that we got Monday off. We went grocery shopping on Monday, and just spent the rest of the day chilling out at home and watched a movie.

Yesterday night was Close Call (dinner and worship). It was also our last activity with the OSI staff around, because from today onwards, the interns will be taking over the leadership entirely. Each of us is assigned to a particular leadership role within the group and we will be running the show from now on.

I have been assigned to take over the Faith and Culture class, which I am very excited about. I have thoroughly enjoyed the class and have also enjoyed doing the fieldwork. I can also relate better to the material used in the class as I have had intercultural experience. I have always been somewhat apprehensive about sharing my faith. Not that I am ashame of it, but I do not really know how to start the conversation without being too pushy. But in this class, I have learned to play a more passive role by asking questions that stir people's thoughts, and let God do the work of convincing them.

I am excited to see all that God will do as we begin the second half of our internship here.



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