Was it all worth it?

That was the question that missionaries, Peter and Sue Westrum, gave us after they'd shared their story with us last Tuesday during Close Call.

They served with Wycliffe in Indonesia for 26 years, translating the New Testament into the Berik language.

During the period of time that they were away from home and from all that they were familiar with, they'd missed out on a lot of precious moments with their family. There was no family member to celebrate the birth of their first son with them. No first-birthday party. They could not even make it home for Peter's father's funeral.

Was it all worth it?

To them, it was.

As Sue said, the good life is when you are in the centre of God's will for your life. In the eyes of the world, it may not be the kind of life that one would aspire to. But the most important thing is that, it's the kind of life that God aspires you to.

The result of giving up their lives to God?
A Berik translation of the New Testament, and an entire people group who can now read the Word of God in their own language.


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