The impact of Bible translation has never been as real and personal to me as when Jamie quoted Matthew 24:14-
"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world
as a testimony to all nations,
and then the end will come."
Even though I have heard that verse before and know it to be true, I was suddenly struck by its message as I was hearing it again on Saturday.
Now I know why the urgency to get a Bible translation project started for every language still needing one by 2025, why we are anxious to get it done during our generation.
Because when the Bible is translated into every language, and every person is taught to read in his/her own language, there is no excuse for anyone not to know the gospel of Jesus Christ. And when everyone has had the opportunity to respond to the gospel, the end will come. And Jesus will come back.
This becomes real and personal. Bible translation does not only impact the lives of strangers who live in remote corners of the earth, but it directly affects me and the people that I know. Because I may be living in the most exciting and amazing period in all history of mankind, and my generation may be the generation that finally carries the gospel of Jesus Christ, literally to the ends of the earth.
And when that happens, the end will come.